Distributor’s Meeting Caribbean – Panama City

On the 1st and 2nd of August we had our first distributor´s meeting for our English speaking distributors of the Caribbean in Panama City! 💙

We offered advanced training and time for some fun and networking.

Training was thought to have a deeper overview of marine systems, advance split phase and three phase configurations, Ve.Config assistance and virtual switch, plus new products and techniques to sell more blue systems.

We also had the time to provide our distributors the opportunity to know each other in fun activities. We went bowling, we had a beer at one of the most known rooftops in Panama, we eat a lot and we cross the Panama Channel in our own boat!

We our very proud of the great job our distributors are doing to deliver the best quality and rough solution for storage systems around the world and it was a pleasure for us to be with them these two days.

If you want to be part of our network of distributors, please contact us https://www.victronenergy.com/contact#sales-managers and be part of the blue power!!!

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